Hi Guys,

How are you all doing? Trust your week went well. Mine was stressful.

Monday was international women's day. Happy International women's day to all ladies and women.

I had a lot of things I needed to achieve this week but I started this week with a headache, high diastolic blood pressure, and body weakness.

On Tuesday, I woke up with a headache again, had a couple of things to do and I did them till like 2am.

Wednesday, I woke up ready to work on a couple of things with my colleague. We had our morning standup/meetings and I started my work for the day. I was still working till around past 7pm when I was asked to call someone at work and this person said a couple of things to me that made me sad, and I actually cried 😭(can't remember the last time a human being made me cry though 🤷🏾‍♀️). The phone was on speaker and my mum heard every bit of what the person said and she decided to console me. I called a couple of people just to speak to them and let it out but every time I decide to speak, I end up in tears (The tears were just flowing😂). I got a little encouragement but the words the person said were still in my head. I continued to work on the task I had but I still thought about the words. The funny thing is I kept quiet for a while when the person was just talking in order not to get provoked and say something I would regret and the next thing the person could say is "You have started your silent treatment again. Are you hearing me?". I replied saying I am listening and the next thing was you might be listening and not understanding because listening and understanding are two different things and I kept quiet.

The truth is people would try to get you angry or make you feel bad about yourself but do not be discouraged. Before writing this post, I was thinking of what to write and I thought of forgiveness just before the incident happened and that was it for me. It was like the holy spirit knew something was about to happen to prepare my mind so I would just forgive. 

Forgiveness is hard especially from people that you do not expect to hurt you but guess what? I learned from just that incident. Unforgiveness affects us more than it does to the other person. When we don't forgive, we are hurting ourselves and it would affect us spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Unforgiveness can also affect our relationship with God. When we choose to forgive, we free ourselves from the bondage and open up the door for God to heal us. Once you forgive, you are placing the person in God's hands and choosing to change your heart and mind towards the person.

"Hatred stirs old quarrels but love overlooks insults". Proverbs 10:12.

"If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, your father in heaven will forgive you but if you don't forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins". Matthew 6:14-15.


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