Happy New Month Everyone. It's my month and expecting testimonies and miracles from our father above. 

How are you doing? Trust your week went well. I am sure you thought I took a break No, I did not. It's been a while and I am going to tell you why.

Towards the end of last year, something amazing happened in my family. My sister and her boyfriend decided they wanted to get married 🤵🏾👰🏾 You know what this means right? Wedding Preparations. As we entered into the new year, we started preparing for the wedding (Court and Marriage blessing), I wish someone had actually told me wedding preparations were stressful😩. The court wedding and marriage blessing (turned church wedding) was fixed and we were all preparing for it. All of a sudden, two close family friends said we should do a proper church wedding instead of a marriage blessing (long story) for some reasons which we agreed with them on (Plans had to change). Before the plans changed, My sister's registry dress was ready but she wanted to change it.

I saw a court wedding dress on Instagram that was made by a lady so we decided to contact the lady (@kaydeecouture on IG. check her out, She is amazing) and we told her we needed a court wedding dress similar to the one I saw on her page. We had already fixed a date for fitting and we were working towards that date. She was almost done with the dress but we needed a ball dress for the church wedding so I had to ask if she can make a 2 in 1 dress for both court and church wedding and she said Yes Guess what? She made the 2 in 1 dress in a week. We went for a fitting and it was amazing and worth it.

Pictures of the dress before fitting

I did some last-minute shopping for her (P.S My sis wasn't around for the preparations, she was working in another state). 

The day finally came, the journey to ikoyi registry was a smooth one. By the time we got there, The place was full. I did not know they don't allow people to enter with the couples apart from the witnesses. Anyway, we all entered (like 15-20 of us). They were joined together and we went for the marriage blessing turned church wedding. The church service was amazing, I was behind the camera all through because some people joined using google meet.  After the church wedding, we had item 7 and everyone went back to their houses. (I had to cut most of the story short plus this is just part 1 & 2 about the wedding).
Here I was behind the camera

In case you are looking for an event planner and assistant bride😉 do not hesitate to contact me. I am serious  

"God makes everything happen at the right time. Yet none of us can ever fully understand all he has done, and he puts questions in our minds about the past and the future". Ecclesiastes 3:11


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